
Rhetoric not decorating words

Rhetoric not decorating words

At this point, what I tried to write in this book is a moment. This book intentionally wrote "exorcise" and did not "correct" it. This is because he had only the time to show the correct answer without discussing the misunderstanding and misreading.
However, if I confess, I am not even a textist, but rather, for example, writing about Mishima Yukio, I couldn't understand Mishima Yukio. I like to read Yukio Miyuki and write the continuation of "Kuryu Yumetan" that Yukio Mishima did not write in the body written by Yukio Mishima.
I do not deny that the work can have meanings that the author has not written. Deep reading and selfish interpretation are really fun.
However, regarding Natsume Soseki's "Kokoro", he first thought that a process of "reading firmly" in accordance with Soseki's manner was necessary.
The reason will be clear to those who have read this far, but it is still strange to me.
Certainly, many pros and semi-professors have read and read the ex-boyfriend A's "Zekka". There was a case where no one pointed out, even at the beginning, the irony, the understated exaggeration law, the intertextuality, and the parody of the last scene, Kinkakuji. However, I was looking down at the former boy A without permission and thought that he might have just overlooked it.
"1Q84" published by Shinchosha was hardly calibrated.
I started to think it was funny.
When I read a review of “Kokoro” at one point, I was surprised that another “Kokoro” other than the “Kokoro” I read was being circulated.
For example, some people wonder what the meaning of the “triangular relationship” between K, teacher and daughter in “Kokoro” is.
I wonder, is the problem?
If Soseki explains the meaning of the triangular relation in literature in literary theory, I think he should follow that theory, but some people associate the triangular relation with a greater meaning than Soseki wrote. They increase the attitude of the argument and interpret it like a philosophy. It should be called "deep reading" or "excessive interpretation" in general, but if you get into a good composition, you will be praised for free.
Why is that?
It is positioned as a subject in which the Japanese language can acquire the power of thinking.Japanese language textbooks and supplementary reading books are filled with novels and essays, so-called literary objects, while verses are eliminated, and rhetoric and grammar education is eliminated. Probably because they are neglected. As a result, people have a strange habit of reading novels and interpreting them as philosophy.
That's a joke.
If there is a history of criticism as a genre of literary history, it may also be the history of the special moves of superstars starting with Fujiwara Shunsei. Assuming that the overwhelming superstar at the moment is Shigehiko Hasumi, it may be said that Yukito Karatani, who played an active role in the same period, was overwhelmed. Shiki Masaoka
… I'm not talking about Soseki Natsume at any time when I'm talking like this, so let's break it up a bit.
How are Bergson, Proust, Salinger, Joyce and Stern related?
This problem has been taken up as the problem that "Soseki is sleeping a lot". Not only in “Yumejuya”, Soseki is sleeping or sleeping like a cat. Such an attempt was made in Sanshiro. Proust is trying to unravel such a state of non-continuity like this in the search for lost time. Even if I can't catch the obvious, I'm trying to repeatedly attack that area of ​​interest. Proust's area of ​​interest seems to be sniffing around Bergsonian time. And so is Kokoro. K and "I" are fairly blatantly related, but their consciousness is not continuous.
Even explaining what Bergsonian time is is a matter of my control, but apparently the protagonists of Salinger's novels are afraid of fainting, and Stern's departure consists of tracing the neurons of memory forever. Joyce stays up all night and Proust demands too much time.
Let's assume that Bergson denied the stupidity that divides time that could not be divided in the past into the past, the present, and the future, and the paradox resulting from that resignation. So how much was Soseki, Proust, Joyce, Stern, and Salinger aware of this process?
A few years ago, the Japanese were relatively familiar with the Buddhist worldview, and somehow accepted the image that "I" had "previous life", trained in "the other world", and reborn. The concept of reincarnation is still accepted in Buddhism as a natural alternative. "I" in the Buddhist sense was completely different from the Cartesian I.
And “Kokoro” is the story of “I” in the Buddhist world view. Not a realist "I". This time, I've read it all the way and minimized my argument, so I'd like to give it a story later.

百年の曲解を祓う 夏目漱石『こゝろ』の正解
評論 1Q84 book4
夏目漱石論2.0 ⑧ 『明暗』論2.0 近代文学2.0

The role of the widow

The role of the widow
As the teacher accepted, it can be said that the relationship between the young lady and the teacher and the young lady and K were all controlled by her wife. It makes sense for your wife to select a teacher with a wealth.
Therefore, there seems to be controversy about making his wife and young lady "strategy". It was interpreted that the triangular relationship was intentionally created to make the teacher feel that way, and that the teacher was impatient and stepped into a suit.
There seems to be some controversy about the relationship between "I" and his wife.
This problem should first be sorted out in this way.

△ Your wife is a tactician.
○ A man is swung around by a woman.

My anguish begins only when I see the question of whether a young lady, like her wife, is not a plotter. I suddenly became painful and unbearable when I argued that they were doing everything after meeting with me behind the scenes. Not unpleasant. It becomes a dead end feeling like a desperate situation. And yet, on the other hand, I firmly believed in the lady and did not doubt. So I stood in the middle of my beliefs and hesitation and couldn't move any more. I was both imagined and both were true.
(From Natsume Soseki's "Kokoro")

Being dazzled by this ambiguity is the root of literature.
This, too, was unexpectedly told, but the teacher turned his wife into a childless widow. The affection for his wife included in the teacher's letter seems purely pure, but what he came to his wife was

① I didn't have sex with my wife for a long time
② I made my wife a young widow with no children

It is as if the wife is being punished.
The declaration that the child cannot be reached forever indicates that the teacher and his wife are sexless and that she is of child-bearing age.
When you realize that, this scene brings a different meaning.

"I'd like to be a child," he said. I replied, "Yes." But there was no sympathy in my mind. I had never had a child, and I was thinking of my child just as a fly.
"Let's get one," said the teacher.
"You're a kid, hey, you," said the wife again.
"I can't do anything for a child," said the teacher.
His wife was silent. When I asked instead, "Why," he laughed high, saying, "Because it's a punishment."
(From Natsume Soseki's "Kokoro")

Did you notice here that Soseki did not write, "Because I am a punishment for me." And because he refuses his wife's request to make a child, "temporal punishment" can be read as if it had been given to him. The teacher doesn't particularly want children, so if he doesn't feel negative about what he can't do, that's the reason.
Even worse, as suggested at the beginning, if you have a hobby that enjoys swimming with one western monkey, your wife and sexless will not be a penalty for yourself.
If you have written so far, you will not have to swallow the last word.
A punishment is a punishment that a person cannot give. It is a punishment given by Tendo. Heaven does not punish innocent things.

I will leave my wife. It's a makeover that my wife doesn't have to worry about eating, eating, and living when I'm gone. I don't like giving my wife cruel surprise. I will die without showing my wife the color of blood. I will secretly leave the world without my wife's knowledge. I want my wife to die after I die. I'm happy to be crazy.
(From Natsume Soseki's "Kokoro")

I intend to use my past for others, both good and evil. But know that your wife is the only exception. I don't want to tell my wife anything. My only hope is to keep my wife's memories of her past as pure white as possible, so even after my death, as long as my wife is alive, you are the only one Keep everything in my stomach as my confidential secret.
(From Natsume Soseki's "Kokoro")

Contrary to the care given to the wife included in the teacher's letter, the self-death of the teacher is also an unnatural violence that creates one widow, and the possibility that it is a punishment given to the wife can not be denied .
Which is harder, cruel momentary surprise or long loneliness?
I read in a newspaper what I wrote down before General Nogi's death. When I saw my dying excuse to die because of the enemy's flag during the Southwest War and saw a phrase that meant that I was just alive today, I broke my finger involuntarily and Nogi I counted the years in which she came alive while preparing to die. Since the Southwestern War is in the Meiji decade, there is a distance of 35 years by the year of Meiji 45. Nogi-san seemed to be dying for 35 years and was waiting for the opportunity to die. I thought that for those people, it would be more painful whether he had been alive for thirty-five years, or if the one-second moment of his sword struck his belly.
(From Natsume Soseki's "Kokoro")

Would the teacher choose a harder punishment?
If that were the case, writing "I" would have another meaning.

I had an almost faithful love for that person. You may find it strange to see this word I use only for religion applied to a young woman, but I still believe firmly. He firmly believes that true love is not so different from religion. Every time I looked at the lady's face, I felt like I would be beautiful. When I thought about the lady, I felt like a noble feeling would soon be transferred to me. If the mysterious thing of love has both ends, the high end is sacred, and the low end is sexual, my love certainly caught that high pole . I was a body that could not leave the flesh as a human. But my eyes looking at her and my mind thinking of her were not smelling meat at all.
(From Natsume Soseki's "Kokoro")

百年の曲解を祓う 夏目漱石『こゝろ』の正解
評論 1Q84 book4
夏目漱石論2.0⑦ 『こころ』論2.0 近代文学2.0
夏目漱石論2.0 ⑧ 『明暗』論2.0 近代文学2.0

At one point, the teacher who had such a beautiful love implied that he had given his wife a punishment.

K didn't even qualify to be ridiculous in the first place

K didn't even qualify to be ridiculous in the first place
K might have wanted to know Nichiren in a deeper sense than that. It is doubtful that the monk was satisfied with K in that respect, but when he left the temple grounds, he constantly turned to me and talked about Nichiren. I was so hot and lying down and not so good, I was just giving a sloppy greeting at the tip of my mouth. That was all too much silence.
I guess it was the next evening, but they arrived at the inn and ate, and shortly before going to bed, they suddenly began to discuss difficult issues. K wasn't happy that I didn't talk about Nichiren I talked to himself yesterday. It's ridiculous to be mentally ignorant, and it makes me feel like a frivolous thing. However, since my daughter has a heart in my chest, I can't just laugh and receive words close to his contempt. I started excuses for me.
(From Natsume Soseki's "Kokoro")

Speaking of Nichiren, it is known that he criticized the Jodo sect as evil. Since I am thinking deeply about Nichiren, can I assume that apostasy is implied here?
And the teacher who tries to push it into the sea is strange, but the reader must be aware that the K involved in this Nichiren is also strange.
As a result, the teacher hunts down K and asks his determination. Since he is determined to do K and is said to be "not without it", he can judge that he does not mean to throw away hesitation and obtain the truth. In other words, it means "preparation to foresee and accept the future minus." If there was no certainty between the young lady and K in advance, this determination was to be absurd and foolish.
However, because he had no property, K did not even have the right to be ridiculous in the first place, so regardless of his teacher's guilt, it seems that K's death was his own suicide.